Leadership Council » Leadership Council

Leadership Council

Leadership Council is the overarching decision-making body of Topanga Elementary, and parents hold three (3) out of ten (10) council seats. All parents are invited to attend, and anyone can sign up at the beginning of the meeting to request five minutes for public comment. Committee meetings usually meet one week prior to Leadership (please check school calendar for exact date - location can be confirmed with the Principal) and are organized around the following topics: Safety, Curriculum, Technology, Personnel and Budget. An agenda for each Leadership meeting is posted 72 hours prior on this page.​

Who can serve on the Leadership Council?
The ten-member council includes members who represent all stakeholders: administrator, teachers, classified (non certificated staff), parents (including legal guardians), and community members. 50% of the council is comprised of the UTLA chapter chair (standing position) and 4 elected certificated teachers. The other 50% are the school’s principal (standing position), 1 elected classified staff representative and 3 elected parent/community representatives. There are two alternate teachers and one alternate parent representative. Members of the Leadership Council and any other committees of the school shall comply with federal and state laws, LAUSD Charter School polices and regulations and District policies regarding ethics and conflicts of interest.

When are the elections for Leadership Council?
All members (except the Principal and the teacher union chapter chair) shall be elected by their constituency through elections held once a year in May, or prior to the start of the following school year. Terms of Leadership Council members are for two years and are staggered so that no more than two new members are elected in each cycle. Alternate Parent Leadership Council members serve one year terms.

When does the Leadership Council Meet? 
The Council holds regularly monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month in Room 8 AT 1:45pm (please confirm by visiting school calendar), with additional meetings scheduled as necessary. Six members from the Leadership Council with each stakeholder group represented constitutes a quorum. A meeting will be rescheduled in the absence of a quorum. All Leadership Council and committee meetings are open to the public. Any stakeholder may request that an item be placed on the agenda by putting a note in the "Agenda Box" which is located in the school office or by contacting the Principal. Requests will be reviewed by council members when creating the agenda.


Role of Committees
The work of the Leadership Council is accomplished through the activities, reports, and recommendations of its various committees. Issues arising before the Leadership Council normally will be referred to the appropriate committee for consideration and the formulation of recommendations and resolutions that shall be presented in writing to the Leadership Council for final approval. No committee may exercise the authority of the Leadership Council.

Standing committees include:

  • Curriculum Committee

  • Safety / Facilities Committee

  • Technology / Library Committee

  • Budget Committee — with Administrator and UTLA

  • Personnel Committee — with Administrator and UTLA

For more information, Download Our Charter and Bylaws below.


  • Get a better idea of who does what and how things get done at TECS!
  • Check out this list of volunteer opportunities.
Before you begin volunteering, please review our Volunteer/Visitor Policy.

Questions / Feedback

2023-2024 Leadership Council

School Principal
Kevin Kassebaum

Staff Representative
Donna Wabnig

Moria De La O
Linda Kort
Amy Weisberg

Roger Harrell

UTLA Chapter Chair
Roger Harrell

Parent Representatives
Katie Garner (2023-2025)
Aaron Hendry (2023-2025)
Stephanie Polansky (2022-2024)

Parent Representative Alternates
Rainbow Shalom Hayes (2023-2024)
Ashley Scott (2023-2024)

Committee Chairs - TBD

Please join us at Committee or Leadership Council meetings — dates and times are listed on the school calendar and announced in the Friday Focus.

Leadership Meeting Schedule

Agendas & Minutes

Coffee with your Parent Reps
​Schedule TBD

This is an informal opportunity for you to get to know the parents who represent you at monthly Leadership meetings. Parent Reps will field questions and support parents in navigating school governance.

If you would like to contribute volunteer time to the school and don't know where you fit in, this is a great way to explore your options.

If you cannot attend but have questions, please email parent leadership: [email protected]