Policies & Procedures » Communication Policy

Communication Policy

Parent/Teacher/School Communication Policy

What parents can EXPECT

  • Parent communications responded to within a reasonable time

  • Requests for appointments responded to or scheduled within a reasonable time

  • Parent to be notified about single serious issue or ongoing problem

  • Two formal conferences per year, other meetings and calls within reason

What parents should NOT EXPECT

  • Teachers returning a call after work hours

  • Answering email in the evening/weekends

  • Access to teacher’s private phone number or email

When you should contact your child’s teacher:

  • Changes in family situation (divorce, new baby, move)

  • Medical issues that arise or change

  • Illness lasting longer than 3 days

  • Safety issues, change in behavior at home

  • Family emergencies, sleepless nights, play dates, appointments (send a note)

  • Ongoing and pervasive problems/concerns at school or home

  • When you can’t keep a scheduled appointment

  • When homework takes way more time than expected, or your child is unable to do most of it independently

When you have last minute information for the teacher:

  • Send a note

  • Call the office and leave a message for the teacher

Communication that interferes with teaching and learning:
  • Showing up at the classroom during the teacher’s prep time before school or during the school day without an appointment

  • Discussing an issue with the teacher when they come out to pick up their class in the morning and it’s time for instruction to start

  • Speaking to the teacher disrespectfully or angrily, especially in front of your child or other students

  • Gossiping to other parents rather than discussing issues directly with staff members. Remember that you are the model of how you want your child to communicate.

Ways to help your child be more responsible and independent:

  • Encourage your child to talk to the teacher about problems with homework or other issues at school. Send an email or note to the teacher so they’re aware, simply saying, “Joe had a problem on the yard yesterday that he needs to talk to you about.” Let the teacher take it from there.

  • Have your child write a note to the teacher explaining why homework wasn’t completed, then sign the note. This is a requirement in upper grade rooms.

  • Make your child responsible for carrying their own backpack and belongings to and from school – even in kindergarten!

  • If your child forgets their lunch, their homework, or their instrument, don’t bring it to them. Let them be accountable for it rather than delivering it to school.

  • Leave your child at the drop-off line; their teacher will take them into the classroom or building! When you walk along, it interferes with the line, and sends the message that you’re not totally comfortable leaving your child at school.

  • If your child is late, bring them to the office to fill out a tardy slip. In the case of kindergarten students, walk them from the office to the classroom door.

  • Do not go into classrooms or hallways before or after school without an appointment.

Please note, bringing your child’s lunch or belongings after the start of the school day discourages independence and sets a poor example. If you must drop something off for your child, they should check in the office. Staff will not call the classroom and interrupt instruction to deliver belongings to your child. If a student forgets their lunch or money, they will be provided with a cafeteria lunch and can pay it back the following day. Belongings left in the classroom after the end of the school day can be retrieved the following morning.

To increase mutual respect, remember:

  • Teachers will make mistakes; they’re human, too

  • Teachers have their own families and lives; respect their privacy.

  • We’re all on the same team – your child’s support team!

  • Take chats off campus after drop-off so teachers and students can begin learning.

  • Use age-appropriate language around children on campus and at the curb when you drop them off.

  • Recognize that we won’t always agree, but we promise to listen.

  • Speak positively in front of your child.


Homework is based on what was taught and learned in the classroom. Please understand that a teacher may not be able to compile homework on the same school day in which your child is absent. Unless your child has an extended absence, please allow the teacher to go over missed work and homework assignments when the child returns to school.

Procedure for Parents with School Related Issues

For Student Issues

Step 1: Schedule an appointment with your child’s teacher.  Fill out the light blue “Request for Teacher Communication” form in the office and put it in his/her mailbox, or communicate through email.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher and your child.

Step 3: If you feel the issue needs further attention, schedule an appointment with the Principal and your teacher.  Fill out the goldenrod “Conference Request” form located in the office and place it in the clear box on the Principal’s door.

For School Site Issues

  1. Write a letter with your concern and give it to the office staff.

  2. The office staff will contact you with the answer or suggest another course of action.

  3. Attend the appropriate Leadership Committee meeting.  Please confirm the schedule with the school calendar for specific dates and times.

Visit the Leadership Council page to learn more about Leadership Committees and how you can get involved.